Editing Your Clips

Enter the app album and open the video you want to edit. You can swipe right or left to scroll to the next or previous video.

*You can edit the files on ONE R and save to phone's local album directly without downloading to APP.

360 Video:


  1. Export video and share to social platforms
  2. More information. You can turn on/off stabilization, direction lock, turn on/off direction stitchi for Lens Guard, Chromatic Calibration, take a screenshot, reset edits, view video details and delete video here
  3. Add to Favorites. Starred videos will be viewable in your Favorites album in the ONE R app
  4. Flag important video shots for easy editing
  5. Edit. Tap to edit video further
  6. Adjust aspect ratio
  7. MultiView, check here for detailed tutorial
  8. Auto Frame:Automatically identifies targets and select the best angle to capture highlights for you
  9. Adjust angle: You can enter Barrel Roll settings and adjust FOV here
  1. Trim your video, check here for detailed tutorial
  2. Adjust speed
  3. Add filter
  4. Adjust color
  5. Add music

Wide Angle Video


  1. Export video and share to social platforms
  2. More information. You can turn on/off stabilization, take a screenshot, reset edits, view video details and delete video here
  3. Add to Favorites. Starred videos will be viewable in your Favorites album in the ONE R app
  4. Flag important video shots for easy editing
  5. Edit. Tap to edit video further
  6. Adjust FOV, you can toggle FOV between Ultra Wide, Wide, Linear and Narrow
  7. Delete


  1. Trim your video
  2. Adjust speed
  3. Add filter
  4. Adjust color
  5. Add music

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