6.3 [Advanced] Generating QR codes for camera recognition

The camera can recognize the QR code generated by mobile app even without connecting it.

Activate the QR code generator in the upper left corner of the app, you can see four function modules, i.e. Photo, Video, Live-streaming and Wi-Fi.

Of which, the Photo, Video and Live-streaming support basic settings other than Exposure and Property. Align the generated QR code with one of the lens on either side of the camera screen, and wait for the camera to recognize the code. Once the camera complete the recognition successfully, a sound will be made for indication. After the recognition, the parameters may be saved into the Customize parameter gear. Thereafter, if you switch the camera to the Customize gear quickly when using the camera separately, the shooting will be performed rapidly as per the latest setting by scanning the code.

After the Wi-Fi connection information is filled in, a QR code will be generated. By scanning the QR code, the automatic connection of Wi-Fi will be achieved.



Please note that if you need to clear the scanning information (including Customize information and Wi-Fi connection information) saved by the camera, go to the setting menu of the camera body and clear it with the Reset function.