
Q1. What does ONE R’s indicator light represent?

Status Indicator
Power on Solid blue
Standby (working micro SD card) Solid cyan
Standby (no Micro SD card) Flashing blue
Charging in standby mode (not fully charged) Solid red
Charging in standby mode (fully charged) Solid cyan
Charging in off mode (not fully charged) Solid red
Charging in off mode (fully charged) Off
Photo shooting Flashes cyan once
Video shooting Slow flashing red
No Micro SD card, Micro SD card malfunction, Memory is full Flashing blue
Low power (2%-5%) Quick flashing red twice every 30s
Low power (<2%) Off; camera will power off

Q2. What should I do if ONE R's indicator is solid blue or cyan with no response after pressing the buttons or touching the screen?
The camera may be frozen. Please long press the power button for 15-20 seconds to force shutdown.

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